Possible 30 years+ Black tea?

Oxidized tea
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:16 am

I found a tea at one guy (old man saying he has it in his family for st least 30 years). Looks to be an old tea (30 years plus). After some digging i found only this about it:
https://slingpc.pixnet.net/blog/post/30 ... 8%E5%A4%96
The tea has a strong smell and taste of tea sweatiness also a little bit of bitter and tanine but very pleasant (feels like it had some smoke in it), some old/dusty notes, very strong effect. Does anybody know anything about this tea. Is it for real so old, when did they stop producing it etc. An opinion about it's price maybe.
Thank you!
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:19 am

It’s possible why not. Question is if the tea in the tin is the original tea that was in it.

Impossible to tell what it was/is, without trying and even then it’s a difficult guess.

Price can only be judged by the quality and that again needs to be tasted to be verified. That’s high level tea expertise, nothing that can be advised over the internet…
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:26 am

It was closed ( unopened/sigilated). Tea is small leaves and buds also some small fraction in it and unexpectedly good but with some dusty old notes. The cup smell long time and strong with sweetness after there is no more tea in it. I was wondering if there were any replicas in the same type of box? Maybe someone knows. I am kind of not believing that i found it. If to trust the link i found it is 40 years plus.... :) My oldest tea...
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:52 am

When you consider the ages of certain Pu or oolongs people have for sale (assuming not fakes) it isn't like coming across a 30 year old tea is really that difficult in general. especially for lower end teas- lots of stuff was manufactured in bulk for various export markets and gets put places and forgotten about because it isn't particularly valuable or in demand. how to actually price it could be tricky - and I think a factor in these types of cases too is how much is it worth to you. A musty very old low grade oolong from the 60s might be one drinkers heaven while someone else may have zero interest.

I recently bought some ctc style Chinese red tea that was for the Russian market from '96. It wasn't particularly expensive or anything, so I got it just out of curiosity. It has charming notes of 'tea' and what I remember my grandparent's cupboard smelling like which had Jell-o packets from the 70s in it when we cleaned it out. :lol:
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:21 am

What matters most is that you like the tea. Sounds like it’s aged ok. You’d know if not :)
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:09 am

Thanks for sharing))).
Yeah, i liked the tea very much.
Most probably it's some mass tea medium quality and the man is not s tea seller. He sold me one for around 8$ and has one more. I think i will take that one too. Kind of yard sale, and he only knows that he has this tea for like forever ( at least 30 years), no more info from him. He can't remember where it came from.
And it was very strong, it really hit me and I was ,, levitating,, and i used only 6g :)
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:35 pm

If it was an authorized replica and made after 2007, the tin would have a QS code or SC code on it to verify that the factory had been checked for sanitation purposes. Is there anything on the bottom of the tin?
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Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:40 pm

mbanu wrote:
Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:35 pm
If it was an authorized replica and made after 2007, the tin would have a QS code or SC code on it to verify that the factory had been checked for sanitation purposes. Is there anything on the bottom of the tin?
There is nothing written on the bottom, neither in other places. Photo attached.
Thanks for info :)
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