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Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:23 pm

Hello! I'm Avery.

I started drinking tea as a teenager - only herbal tea/tisanes at first, since my sole exposure to the leaves of actual camellia sinensis and its close relatives was my mother's oversteeped Lipton Decaf. I became more seriously interested in tea while at university.

I drink all kinds of tea. I prepare my tea differently depending on what type it is, my mood, and the teaware available to me - I steep most of my tea at work in a mug, while at home I can use other methods.

I'm interested in learning more about how the flavour and aroma of tea is influenced by its growing environment: the nutrition in the soil, the amount of shade, the climate, and so on. The processes of making tea and teaware also interest me; while I can't grow tea or easily make my own teaware in the place I live right now, I'd still like to know more about it. Immersing myself in probably-useless research is my favourite pastime. Lastly, I'm interested in different places' and cultures' ways of preparing tea and tea-like beverages.

Originally, I started exploring tea because it was one of few ways to use my sense of taste in a hobby that wouldn't lead to negative effects (like drinking too much of other things might!). I already had hobbies which relied on the other senses, and engaging with the world this way was new and exciting. I'm still involved in the world of tea because of that, and because the history and culture surrounding tea is fascinating. It's also wonderful to share tea with others.

I'm located in rural New England in the USA. Not many tea houses around here, alas.
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Thu Sep 09, 2021 1:58 pm

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Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:47 am

Hi everyone, I am from the EU, new to the forum, not new to teas. Life steered me away from tea culture for a while, my puerh collection lay dormant for many years. Now I have the time and space to rediscover what I have and for that I will need the help of this community.

I really will drink all the teas, starting with adaptogens like Gotu, Jiaogulan, Horny Goats Weed, Tulsi or Ginkgo, mushroom teas like Reishi, all kinds of herbal teas (Sage, Calendula, Chamomille, Lemon Balm, and so on), some of which I grow myself. Last, but not least I enjoy the full spectrum of Chinese teas and more to the point my collection is mostly puerh (because it stores so well). Other than Pu-erh I really like jazzed up things like Ginseng Oolongs.

I lack experience with Japanese teas.

I prepare my teas depending on my mood and the day. I do have dedicated Yixing pots, gaiwans and associated items, but just as often I do it very unceremoniously.
IDK if that's discussed here, but I also make my own kombucha.

Cheers! :-)
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Sun Sep 19, 2021 6:44 am

Hello kobold,

You are very lucky to live in the European Union. 8-)
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Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:02 am

How long have you been drinking tea?

5+ years, but lurking around tea forums anonymously whenever I wish to seek clarifications about tea-related issues.

What kind of tea do you drink?

All kinds of tea, especially Chinese oolongs (Dan cong are my favourite if I were to pick one)

How do you prepare your tea?

Mini gaiwan, filled up to brim, flash steeps (under 10s)

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?

Everything about tea excites me, in particular the variances in flavors that arise from terroir, processing methods, etc.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?

Fortuity, and also a general curiosity for novel experiences of the finer things in life such as wine, scotch, gin, etc.

What is your location?

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Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am

welcome, @Sunyata!
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Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:16 am

Hello all, I'm Portuguese and I've been drinking and exploring tea for almost two years now. My main "tea" are herbal teas, I do enjoy trying to make the most out of the herbs medical benefits!

Although I prepare some teabags (since my mother enjoys it the most) I normally prepare my tea using loose leaves.

My interests are mostly herbal blends and herbs synergy for flavour and benefits. I began to grow interest in green and black tea, and ways to combine them with other leaves.
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Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:16 pm

Hello everyone,
How long have you been drinking tea?
I'm Samuel and I've been drinking tea for almost 5 years, discovering black tea from Yunnan thank's to my interest in Baduk (Go or Weiqi, strategic Game from china). After some years I discovered a tea shop in my town center and have been a regular customer for 2 years.
What kind of tea do you drink?
At first I only drank black tea, but my tastes and interest got me into green tea and japanese tea ! I'm currently looking into Pu Ehr and Oolongs as my adventure goes on.

How do you prepare your tea?
I usually brew my tea in Gong Fu Style, sometimes in western style when i'm looking for a big quantity... (Nixing Teapot, Gaiwan)

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
Right now I'm really into teaware to brew Pu Ehr and Oolongs, and the history and philosophical aspects of tea in China and Japan.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
The brewing's beauty and simplicity and history behind tea is what made me "fall in love" with Tea. What's adding to my passion is that I'm working as a teasaler for "Palais des Thés".
So if you have any advices on books, website etc about my research fell free to DM me ! I'll be looking into the subthreads A.S.A.P.

What is your location ?
Well right now I'm in France, and I'm speaking English, ein bissen Deutsch and of course French !

Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day and if I may help you in anything it will be my pleasure !
PS : Sorry if I did mistakes in my english.
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Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:07 pm

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Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:35 pm

@Gong_Fu_Chaddict Bienvenue! Willkommen! I’ve had the pleasure to meet your boss once a few years ago in Taiwan, FX is a very nice guy,
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Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:05 pm

Hello! I am glad to be part of this community.

How long have you been drinking tea?
I have been casually been drinking western style tea for 3 years along with specialty coffee before I recently became introduced to the gong fu cha method that I now enjoy.

What kind of tea do you drink?
I really like Hwang cha(Korean) and semi-oxidized tea in general like most oolongs but I am not crazy about red tea. I haven't had enough experience with white or green teas to comment or Pu'er for that matter.
I like simple, not overly flavored teas

How do you prepare your tea?
Gaiwan, electric kettle, heavy doses with short steepings and reinfusing.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
I have been looking to try out clay teaware also been trying to grow my own tea with some limited success.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
The eastern style of tea is much more enjoyable for me in terms of the experience.
I work in programming and study computer science and I often enjoy my tea time while working.
Programming is often more about thinking than typing.

What is your location?
Upstate New York
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Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:30 pm


And if you like Hwang Cha.....have you discovered Morning Crane's Tea Buy Korea? the 2021 buy is done, but with luck there will be another in 2022. I just got my 2021 teas and it it was an exciting unboxing. Now barely starting to work through the teas.
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Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:36 pm

debunix wrote:
Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:30 pm

And if you like Hwang Cha.....have you discovered Morning Crane's Tea Buy Korea? the 2021 buy is done, but with luck there will be another in 2022. I just got my 2021 teas and it it was an exciting unboxing. Now barely starting to work through the teas.
Wow, so this is where a lot of western vendors are getting their K teas. This morning crane deal warrants its own thread
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Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:52 pm

very interesting. i want to get in on that next year.
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Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:19 pm

How long have you been drinking tea?
Well, pretty much all my life. But for "serious teas", about two years or so.

What kind of tea do you drink?
My preferences have swung from shu to sheng to my current obsession, yancha.

How do you prepare your tea?
Gongfu I guess but I typically eschew a gong dao bei for three cups, replicating the aesthetics of the Chaozhou style.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
Exploring teas, particularly the intricacies of yancha as far as my budget permits. Also, yixing pots :D :D

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
I used to drink tea Western style and reading about tea eventually led me here. As for what's keeping me here, the cynical side of me would say consumerist gratification but I guess it has been pretty fun as vexing as it has been.

What is your location?
Malaysia but I live in Sarawak far from where all the fun is :cry: :cry: :cry:
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