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Mobile website: button to go down to very bottom of page

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:28 pm
by d.manuk
There’s one to scroll up, but I’d find it helpful to also scroll down, if such a feature could be added.

Re: Mobile website: button to go down to very bottom of page

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:50 pm
by pedant
sorry it took forever to respond

i personally don't use the 'scroll up' button but can see how it's sort of helpful for mobile users.
all the important navigation stuff and tools are at the top of the page.

it wouldn't take long to add it, but sell me on it please :D
i imagine the main users of it would be mobile users, but the main downside to adding it is it eats up more screen real estate (already at a premium for mobile users!)

walk me through your use case / ideal workflow