Japan tips for non-green tea lovers

Travel logs and questions
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Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:10 pm
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Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:20 pm

Currently in the early stages of planning a trip for the fall. Will be spending time in Kyoto and Osaka/surrounding area, some time in Tokyo, and the rest is still to be determined - trying to balance plenty of time in cities as well as getting out in to nature, temple visits, etc...

While I think I will be very happy with food adventures there, unfortunately tea wise for me this is the wrong country :lol: Unless I manage to uncover some very old box of Japanese market export liu bao I am not expecting my usual tastes to be met or find anything amazing in that regard. That said though I do love Kyobancha and would love to be able to find and try some more different roasted/fermented small production specialty teas while there. I don't know of anywhere other than Furyu that focuses on such things though. Any tips on tea shops that might have such teas, or at least maybe some interesting Japanese black teas or oolongs - basically anything outside of the expected matcha/sencha area?

Also any good antique galleries or probably better yet flea markets worth checking out? Probably more likely to find things of interest to me there than shops selling newer ceramics. More than open for other general tips for food, things not to miss, things to avoid, so on.
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