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silver teaware

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:59 am
by aet
Few questions for silver teaware owners. What do you have ( pot / gaiwan / pitcher / cup / piece of silver in the kettle / anything else ) ? Any particular tea preference for using the silver? What is the change in taste ? Have you done A-B compare blind test to drink only water ( with and without silver ) , what is the difference for you ? Do you do any maintenance ( like cleaning for example ) ?

Re: silver teaware

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:20 am
by Iroh
Very interesting thread. I am considering going for a silver pot myself. Just have to save up ...

One question in addition to aet's: Some teas benefit from brewing in clay. Are there pots that combine the benefits of silver and clay? Somehow silvar/clay teapots that do not suffer problems due to mixing two materials?

Re: silver teaware

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:49 pm
by Baiyun
Iroh wrote:
Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:20 am
Are there pots that combine the benefits of silver and clay? Somehow silvar/clay teapots that do not suffer problems due to mixing two materials?
If you would like to experiment with multiple materials, you could use clay pots and silver cups, or silver pots and clay cups.

What you brew in will have a more pronounced effect than what you drink out of due to the thermal properties of the pot.