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Weird effect

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:05 am
by Webley
I’ve been thinning out my tea inventory to make room for more good stuff. Lately in my pursuit, I’ve noticed that the teas once brewed have really sent me for a loop. I suspect caffeine sensitivity. I have varied my techniques and have done all the helpful tips that you guys have suggested to ease the effects. They are almost immediate after I swallow tea.
Could it be something other than the caffeine causing this. Most of the teas I have had effects with are at least 1-2 years old. Could it be because they are too old? I think they are stored well. The puerhs are not as they are being stored for aging. Could old teas bring out more caffeine in the leaves? That doesn’t make sense. This happened all at once. I am both puzzled and concerned that I have developed a real caffeine sensitivity. That would be real bummer. :x

Re: Weird effect

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:23 am
by Ethan Kurland
You may want to talk to your doctor (especially if you do not have a large co-pay.) It may be a change in you that hints at other problems. Also you might google search.