FS: zisha kettle + stand and alcohol candle

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Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:32 am
Location: Finland

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:18 am

I'm clearing my closets from unused tea stuff.

In my experience the kettle has a nice effect to the water water and very nice pour (check out the videos from the imgur link).

The challenge with this kettle is that it's easy to crack if there's a big quick temperature difference.
So you can't put it directly on a stove or a bigger flame. You need to put something in between the stove and the kettle so the heat doesn't transfer so fast to the kettle (check out the videos from the imgur link). Or use charcoal.

So the kettle is mainly used to just keep boiling water and refill from another kettle. The alcohol candle and stand will keep it very well boiling but it's extremely slow to boil water with the candle only.

You can boil water from cold to boiling but you need to be careful.

I bought the kettle around 4 years ago from Cha Zhi Ji, Malaysia. EOT used to sell these many years ago. Comes with a very nice storage/transport box. No cracks. Minor bad things are soot on the bottom and slight chalk buildup on the inside (which you can remove easily).

Shipping from Finland is quite expensive usually. I can check it to your location before finalizing the purchase.

600ml is the "safe" maximum water amount.

price: 140€+shipping
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