WTS: Several gongfu pots, sidehandles, cups

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Posts: 75
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Location: Finland

Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:48 am


Time to emerge from my long hiatus here and post some pots for sale. If you're on Instagram, chances are many of these will already be familiar :)
These come from a number of places: S Korea, Japan, China, Czechia...

Images below. One pot already sold. Please get in touch if any are of interest!
Shipping from Finland, prices exclude postage.

Gongfu pots:

1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: 200eur.
2. 180ml woodfired pot by Takashi Ichikawa, unglazed inside. Price: 250eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: 300eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: 200eur.
5. 100ml reduction-fired pot by Jiri Duchek. SOLD.
6. 150ml cracking glaze pot by Jiri Duchek, internally glazed. 100eur.
7. 150ml woodfired porcelain pot by Jan Pavek, internally glazed. 230eur.
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: 100eur.
9. 140ml woodfired pot by Shin Wang Gun, internally glazed with Sotdae pattern outside. Price: 200eur.


1. 300ml woodfired sidehandle by Fernando Lopez, wild Argentinian clay, unglazed. Price: 100eur.
2. 460ml Grey Monk sidehandle by Petr Novak, internally glazed. Price: 200eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: 80eur for the set.
2. 3x set of LQER blue-white cups, 100ml volume. Price: 120eur for the set.
gongfu_pots.JPG (299.8 KiB) Viewed 5202 times
sidehandles.JPG (293.38 KiB) Viewed 5202 times
cups.JPG (268.22 KiB) Viewed 5202 times
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:46 pm

A further approx. 10% price drop to all wares!

New prices:

Gongfu pots:

1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: 180eur.
2. 180ml woodfired pot by Takashi Ichikawa, unglazed inside. Price: 225eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: 270eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: 180eur.
5. 100ml reduction-fired pot by Jiri Duchek. SOLD.
6. 150ml cracking glaze pot by Jiri Duchek, internally glazed. 90eur.
7. 150ml woodfired porcelain pot by Jan Pavek, internally glazed. 205eur.
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: 90eur.
9. 140ml woodfired pot by Shin Wang Gun, internally glazed with Sotdae pattern outside. CURRENTLY NOT FOR SALE (umming and erring about keeping it, love it as a travel pot...).


1. 300ml woodfired sidehandle by Fernando Lopez, wild Argentinian clay, unglazed. Price: 90eur.
2. 460ml Grey Monk sidehandle by Petr Novak, internally glazed. Price: 180eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: 70eur for the set.
2. 3x set of LQER blue-white cups, 100ml volume. Price: 100eur for the set.
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:32 am

A couple of things sold, updates to availability:

Gongfu pots:

1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: 180eur.
2. 180ml woodfired pot by Takashi Ichikawa, unglazed inside. Price: 225eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: 270eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: 180eur.
5. 100ml reduction-fired pot by Jiri Duchek. SOLD
6. 150ml cracking glaze pot by Jiri Duchek, internally glazed. SOLD
7. 150ml woodfired porcelain pot by Jan Pavek, internally glazed. 205eur.
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: 90eur.
9. 140ml woodfired pot by Shin Wang Gun, internally glazed with Sotdae pattern outside. (On hold due to personal indecisiveness... :) ).


1. 300ml woodfired sidehandle by Fernando Lopez, wild Argentinian clay, unglazed. Price: 90eur.
2. 460ml Grey Monk sidehandle by Petr Novak, internally glazed. Price: 180eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: 70eur for the set.
2. 3x set of LQER blue-white cups, 100ml volume. Price: 100eur for the set. SOLD
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:45 am

Small update to availabilities, another pot sold.

Gongfu pots:

1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: 180eur.
2. 180ml woodfired pot by Takashi Ichikawa, unglazed inside. Price: 225eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: 270eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: 180eur.
5. 100ml reduction-fired pot by Jiri Duchek. SOLD
6. 150ml cracking glaze pot by Jiri Duchek, internally glazed. SOLD
7. 150ml woodfired porcelain pot by Jan Pavek, internally glazed. 205eur.
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: 90eur.
9. 140ml woodfired pot by Shin Wang Gun, internally glazed with Sotdae pattern outside. HOLD


1. 300ml woodfired sidehandle by Fernando Lopez, wild Argentinian clay, unglazed. Price: 90eur. SOLD
2. 460ml Grey Monk sidehandle by Petr Novak, internally glazed. Price: 180eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: 70eur for the set.
2. 3x set of LQER blue-white cups, 100ml volume. Price: 100eur for the set. SOLD
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:38 pm

Alright, time for another update and a small price drop to keep things moving...

Gongfu pots:

1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: --> 170eur.
2. 180ml woodfired pot by Takashi Ichikawa, unglazed inside. Price: --> 210eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: --> 250eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: --> 170eur.
5. 100ml reduction-fired pot by Jiri Duchek. SOLD
6. 150ml cracking glaze pot by Jiri Duchek, internally glazed. SOLD
7. 150ml woodfired porcelain pot by Jan Pavek, internally glazed. HOLD
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: --> 80eur.
9. 140ml woodfired pot by Shin Wang Gun, internally glazed with Sotdae pattern outside. HOLD


1. 300ml woodfired sidehandle by Fernando Lopez, wild Argentinian clay, unglazed. SOLD
2. 460ml Grey Monk sidehandle by Petr Novak, internally glazed. Price: --> 170eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: --> 60eur for the set.
2. 3x set of LQER blue-white cups, 100ml volume. Price: 100eur for the set. SOLD
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:28 pm

The end game is approaching and I would like to offer a final price drop for what's left.

Just five items remain available. For ease of reading, I list them below and exclude what's no longer for sale.


1. 100ml Buncheong pot by Park Yeon Tae, partially glazed inside. Price: --> 150eur.
3. 110ml full-handmade Zhuni pot by Jing Dian Tao Fang studio. Price: --> 225eur.
4. 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: --> 150eur.
8. 100ml Nixing pot by Li Changquan. Price: --> 60eur.


1. 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: --> 50eur for the set.

Thanks for your interest!
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:36 am

Only two things remain:

- 120ml charcoal-fired pot by Moon Hwan (apprentice of Ryoji Koie), internally glazed. Iron decorations outside. Price: --> 150eur
- 4x set of woodfired vintage Japanese cups, ash glaze, 60ml volume. Price: --> 50eur for the set

I'll keep these offers up for another week.
After August 11 (2024) this thread can be archived, thanks!
Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:55 pm
Location: Finland

Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:03 am

This thread can be archived, thank you!
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