Impossible to completely pour out water of kyusu with stainless steel filter - normal or not?

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Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:54 am

Hello everyone,

I just bought a Kyusu with a stainless steel mesh for the first time. It looks to be fairly good quality, but it is impossible to completely drain it. It pours very well, but some water clings to the backside of the steel filter (normal behavior I presume) and also to the area between the lower part of the filter and the beginning of the spout it seems. It stays there until I shake the pot. However, no matter how much I shake it, some water remains in the pot.

Here is a video:

Is this normal for a teapot with this type of mesh? Or is it the placement in this specific pot causing it? If so, do the obi-ami strainers (the ones forming a circle all around the teapot's wall) have the same issue?

Thank you!
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Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:31 pm

maybe someone with more experience can chime in – i've never owned a kyusu with a stainless mesh filter.

but this and many other kinds of what i call "functional issues" are common in pots of all price points. i personally greatly enjoy using pots that are functionally perfect, whereas others will say none of that matters if the clay is good.

in the case of your pot, i'm not sure what's causing it, so yours is a good question. it could be either
  • the nature of stainless mesh resists water going through it without much pressure behind it due to the surface tension of water
  • there is something 'wrong' with the entrance to the spout canal. like maybe the spout entrance rim protrudes a bit into the pot body, so the body holds a bit of water. probably impossible to determine that unless you can remove the mesh.
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Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:07 pm

It's the mesh. I tried tilting town the spout and then laying a paper towel onto the filter. I immediately becomes soaked, and when I return the pot to its normal position no water flows back. If I just tilt it down and shake hard, then return it to the original position, all the water flows back. It gets trapped in the mesh.

I'm just wondering a) whether all round steel mesh does this, and b) whether the steel strainers going around the entire pot (obi-ami) are any different.
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Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:51 pm

Cifer wrote:
Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:07 pm
It's the mesh. I tried tilting town the spout and then laying a paper towel onto the filter. I immediately becomes soaked, and when I return the pot to its normal position no water flows back. If I just tilt it down and shake hard, then return it to the original position, all the water flows back. It gets trapped in the mesh.

I'm just wondering a) whether all round steel mesh does this, and b) whether the steel strainers going around the entire pot (obi-ami) are any different.
I imagine they are all like this because of the large surface area. All my kyusu use clay filters or simple holes so there’s not much surface area for the liquid to adhere to. I’m also averse to metal contacting tea. I can taste it, others don’t. But because I can taste the metal (or change made by straining through hundreds of small openings) I stick to clay or porcelain after water leaves my kettle.
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