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Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:14 am

Hello! I'm Marcus and I am fairly new to tea. At first I only drank Japanese green teas but now exploring oolong and gong fu brewing. I like to sit down and really enjoy making tea without any distractions. I've come here to learn more about tea and teaware as well as to improving my brewing. Not a huge fan of puerh yet but maybe that will change after coming here!! Lovely to be here, saying hello from the UK!
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Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:07 am

Drinking tea gives me joy, allegria - although that comes from the language of a rather coffee-drinking country.

My "tea career" of some decades might be quite usual: All started with teabags, then discovering loose-leaf aromatized black, then drinking myself through black teas versus SFTGFOP. I had a green phase, a prolonged white phase, and at a certain point was gifted pu'erh (first shou then sheng) and oolong, the latter ones having stayed the main share of my tea intake for quite some time now.

We'll see what the next tea phase brings. ;) Counting on your inspirations.
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Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:37 pm

welcome :mrgreen:
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Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:39 pm

I have been drinking Japanese green tea daily for over three years. As something I anticipate every day, it has been a consistent favorite hobby. I appreciate the traditional, handmade utsenils greatly as part of the experience. My favorite type of tea I typically sencha, though it's dependant upon the tea itself. I typically drink sencha, fukamushicha, kabusecha, gyokuro, and sometimes hojicha. I joined this forum mostly to interact with the buy/sell/trade community.
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Sun Sep 24, 2023 6:51 pm

Welcome to TeaForum 🍃
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Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:48 am

Hi there!
I'm Yuka, a green tea enthusiast from Tokyo Japan.
I'm currently working on creating a green tea subscription service and wanted to hear from green tea lovers around the globe on what might serve their interest and passion :)
So, I'm not yet a vendor, but would identify myself as a future vendor.
I'm also a certified Japanese Tea Instructor.
I would truly appreciate any DMs if you are willing to share your story of green tea. Thanks!

How long have you been drinking tea?
- Ever since I was a toddler I guess! My parents always prepared green tea with kyusu for every meal (as long as it was Japanese food we were having!) But personally, my love for green tea evolved in the past decade or so.

What kind of tea do you drink?
- I drink all sorts of tea including herbal tea, black tea, Chinese tea....but I am very interested in the flavor and surprisingly relaxing effects of green tea, and usually have a variety of green tea ready in my cupboard :)

How do you prepare your tea?
- Guess what, I don't have a kyusu! I use a big ceramic bowl and strain it into my mug. But my personal interest is how to have a good cup of green tea at work! I would love to hear how everyone prepares tea outside of the home.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
- The green tea subscription service would most probably be tea bags, and that comes from my own interest on how to have green tea WHILE I'm in a stressful environment at work! I am also interested in single origin/cultivar tea, but was wondering if that was of everyone's interest.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
- I guess I had been working & living in a pretty stressful environment for the last couple of years, and green tea was like a savior (!). It brings me back mindfulness and peace, just like a quiet healing moment, and I am mesmerized by it till this day.

What is your location?
- I live in Tokyo Japan. Let me know if you are visiting!
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Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:37 am

A bit hello to the tea people out there =)

My name is Ilya.

I am looking forward to finding tea palls, exchanging tea knowledge and contacts, and, perhaps, even seeing some of you IRL.

My first contact with specialty tea was about thirteen years ago, when my father brought Chinese teas (mostly shu pu-erh and some greens) to our home in Belarus. Later, I moved to Germany and lived in a dorm with other teenagers from China, Taiwan and South Korea, who further cultivated my curiosity for their tea traditions. I found some tea shops in Berlin run by Chinese and Taiwanese, where, over many years I have learned many things and delved deeper into the social and cultural aspects of tea in these regions.

I am a stereotypical Eastern European in that I like stronger darker teas: anything oxidized, fermented, roasted or aged. Though in the past four years I've been very close in exploring Taiwanese teas. Now I'm equally as excited by some fresh baozhong or high-mountian oolong as I am by dancongs or roasted tieguanyin.

The more I delve into the Taiwanese Cha Yi (Tea Art) the more I am eager to experiment with tea preparation and combine Chinese/Taiwanese teaware and tea tradition with that of other regions. Since the 2010s, there has been a major development of a new kind of tea culture in Eastern Europe that fuses the essentials of Far Eastern tea cultures with the local ones, and I love it. Wood carvers, ceramic artists and other artisans create beautiful works, tea drinking becomes part of house-party culture and tea spaces become a new kind of gathering point for people from all walks of life. I am actively working to develop a similar wave here in Berlin, hoping to spark people's interest in Taiwanese Cha Yi as well as making tea a much more common part of people's lives.

I'm based in Berlin, Germany.

Looking forwards to meeting kind-hearted people =)
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Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Welcome to TeaForum @YukaK and @chaxiong 🍃
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Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:36 pm


I’ve been mainly interested in puerh for quite some time now and have spent a long time reading old forum threads on the subject here. There is something deeply engaging about watching the online puerh enthusiast community develop, learn, build and grow over the years, preserved in forum history.
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Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:02 pm

How long have you been drinking tea? New to the tea game like less than a year

What kind of tea do you drink? I like green but trying to venture to other types

How do you prepare your tea? Gong fu

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now? Yixing pots and what tea to pair it woth

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there? Relaxation

What is your location? California USA
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Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:47 am

Welcome to TeaForum 🍃
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Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:40 pm

Hi Amory and Wayne. Nice to see new folks.
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Sun Oct 22, 2023 2:25 am

How long have you been drinking tea?

I have been drinking black tea since I was in elementary school. I started drinking loose leaf about three years ago after picking up a introduction to Japanese tea sampler from a vendor.

What kind of tea do you drink?
Oolong. Various types of green.

How do you prepare your tea?

I have a lefty kyusu, gaiwan, and an houhin. I have a temperature controlled pot.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?

Learning new methods of brewing and finding new sources for teas.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?

My love for tea lead me here. I feel I am still very new and there is a lot to learn. I love reading from knowledgeable sources and continuing to learn.

What is your location?

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Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:27 pm

Welcome. Sounds like you're already ready for lots of exploration of what tea has to offer.
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Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:31 pm

I have been drinking tea since I was young but it was just a simple black tea for a long time. I am married to my husband with whom I lovingly refer to as a tea snob. You may think I'm in the wrong arena here but it is a very endearing quality, one that I adore. I have spread my wings and tried various herbal teas over the years.

In the last few years, unbeknownst to me I've found out that I have deep British heritage. So it is the running joke that my very Scandinavian husband is more high tea than I am. Which is in essence what brings me here.

You see, my husband is a man who wants for very little and has most everything he needs. So when is comes to gifting him things it seems I can never get the "ahhh" moment. Last year, our teenage son had no idea what to get his dad and so I gave him my gift idea of this really cool rotating tea set. My husband gushed over it, which was great for my son but left me feeling foolish when he opened my gifts. This year, I want to get him a unique teapot and tea to accompany it and I found this site.

I would love to learn more about tea so that my husband and I can have a shared interest and my eyes don't glaze over when he starts talking about the oils and correct bathing techniques.

I'm sorry for this long introduction but I just wanted to be transparent and open. I look forward to exploring this seemingly wonderful community.
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