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Sun May 09, 2021 8:27 pm

Hello, I'm bebop8 (or call me Noah if you like). I'm from Connecticut. I started drinking tea about 10 years ago but was always underwhelmed by it. I recently discovered I was buying low quality tea and not using enough leaf per cup. Then I had the increasing realization that I enjoy setting aside some time each day and savoring tea in a mindful, meditative, centering sort of experience, and not only that, but it seems this is a common practice.

So I've just now sort of woken up to this world of tea and trying to explore it and see what I've been missing and finding all of it interesting and enjoyable. I've been experimenting with a variety of teas (Laoshan, Tieguanyin, Wuyi) and gong fu style brewing, learning what I can, and so far loving all of it. Japanese teaware I particularly enjoy aesthetically, and my brew cup hasn't been cutting it, so I just bought my first kyusu. I have a large coffee table I set up for tea with a variable temperature kettle and tend to brew Western style at the moment out of familiarity. I reach for sencha or assam then either Ceylon/Sri Lankan tea in the afternoon or have a gong fu session of sorts and try something new, then some rooibos or chamomile at night.
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Mon May 10, 2021 5:33 am


I’m teabug and have been living up to that nick for the last 6 years. All started with a visit to Japan in 2015 where I developed a Sencha and Kabusecha obsession. Followed by a nearly total transition into chinese teas in 2018 after a visit to mainland China, where I purchased some tea at a Shanghai tea market - Anji bai cha, Long Jing two Oolongs and some ripe puh er. To educate myself, I binge watched Mei Leaf videos, which to my taste are hands down the best source of information out there for tea newbies. I even paid my due tuition fee to Don last year by purchasing a 70ml Master Wu Chaozhou teapot (expensive as hell but really good) and some teas, which I found to be overpriced and underwhelming. As to be expected from Mei Leaf...

These days I buy tea mainly from yunnansourcing and farmerleaf and have started to sample the more upmarked teas from essence of tea. I drink mainly Sheng (young gushu and the 10-15 year old stuff), all types of DanCong, roasted and green Iron Buddha, Taiwanese Oolongs, Anji Bai Cha, Long Jing, Sencha, Matcha and started 6 month ago with Wuyi Yancha. I am not (yet) into Shu and hong cha. I prepare tea gong fu style only and my teaware comes from bitterleafteas, mudandleaves, essence of tea, Chawangshop and since yesterday from Yannzishagallery as well. I have to admit that I own way too many yixing and Jianshui teapots since I went a bit overboard with teaware purchases during Covid lockdown. But I promised myself that yesterday’s order would be the last. I also use some basic gaiwans, glass pots and a tokoname red clay kyusu.

The only teaware item left that I really fancy, not (yet) own and honestly don’t need at all, is a nicely decorated old school type Chaozhou pewter teaboat. But after approx. 1.5 years of search for a fairly priced one, I gave up and settled for an unadorned one from essence of tea a few weeks ago, just in time before they hiked the prices up by 15%. Although deep inside me, I know that at one point in the future I will cave in and buy a heavily overpriced decorated one.

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Fri May 14, 2021 8:44 am

Victoria wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:17 am
Welcome to TeaForum GaoShan/ LeafHopper. Looking forward to hearing from you. You can look to the upper right of page to User Control Panel to adjust settings and add web site etc.
Thanks for the welcome, and sorry it took me so long to reply!
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Fri May 14, 2021 9:34 am

Hello, all! I'm Kolleh, or you can call me Annie. I dropped a few posts here last year with questions about a bunch of Yixing I bought off Taobao, but didn't realize I was meant to make an introductory post first at the time (whoops!). I've been meaning to come back and hang out here more regularly since then, because everyone was so friendly and I enjoyed the warm atmosphere.

I moved to China about two years ago, but I was drinking tea long before that. While I wasn't exactly casual about tea drinking before, coming here made me want to expand my horizons, learn as much about tea as I can, and try as many different kinds as I can while I have the chance to.

What kind of tea do you drink?
I've been binging on various Taiwanese oolongs of late, but I'm a fan of just about everything. I used to drink more herbals and rooibos and so on before coming to China, but I've found it hard to get affordable herbal blends here (at least ones that I like).

How do you prepare your tea?
Using what's likely a slapdash version of gongfu if I have the time, in one of my zisha pots. I use a small glass pot with a built-in filter and single-sip glass cups for my green and white teas, though I'm thinking of picking up a porcelain gaiwan to try with them as well. A nice big mug for bagged black Western/flavoured teas.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
Teaware! I'm a total novice, but so much of it is gorgeous and I want to learn how to appreciate it properly. On a similar note, I've been trying to get into puer—particularly trying to figure out whether I've solely had low quality puer, the wrong puer, or if I genuinely just don't like the stuff.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
It's hard to say. I just can't picture a world in which I don't have a cup of something to cradle in my hands and get me through the day, whether that's a handful of grandpa-brewed generic green in the bottom of a thermos bottle or an exciting top shelf tea for special occasions. I suspect this is a common sentiment here, but it's as much about the process of making or simply having tea as it is about the tea itself for me.

What is your location?
Originally from Canada, currently living and working in Suzhou, China.
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Fri May 14, 2021 10:51 am

Kolleh wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 9:34 am
currently living and working in Suzhou, China
One of my favorite cities :)

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Fri May 14, 2021 9:15 pm

Welcome! We love to discuss teawares.....and teas. Just a wee bit jealous of your closer access to the source.....
Kolleh wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 9:34 am
single-sip glass cups
That's already a kind of teaware that is perplexing me. Are they just very small?
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Fri May 14, 2021 9:18 pm

Balthazar wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 10:51 am
Kolleh wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 9:34 am
currently living and working in Suzhou, China
One of my favorite cities :)

Thank you! It's a wonderful city. I count myself lucky to have gotten trapped here and not elsewhere during the pandemic.
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Mon May 24, 2021 2:45 pm

Hello all,

Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow;
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.

Been hopping around this site for a year or so and deciding to leap in! Been in this tea tasting for several years now and always excited to be learning more and trying not to fall deeper into that Old Man Willow hobbit hole. Lately, I have been particularly fond of sencha's (saemidori), Taiwanese oolong's, and some ripe pu-erhs. Although tastes change seemingly every week, so I look forward to finding even more teas! I drink almost exclusively gong-fu, with my first non-porcelain tea ware (chao zhou) purchased last month. I am currently interested in different tea wares and their effects on the drinking experience. Most curious on Japanese tea ware of which I have essentially nothing. I currently reside in the Old Forest and I am looking forward to engaging with fellow tea-lovers!

Hey! Come derry dol! Hop along, my hearties!
Hobbits! Ponies all! We are fond of parties.
Now let the fun begin! Let us sing together!
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Mon May 24, 2021 4:44 pm

Hello! I've been drinking tea ever since I was a kid but I didn't seriously get into it until after college when I was looking for something to help me transition away from coffee. I've been exploring tea ever since with my trusty brew basket but I didn't get into using and collecting porcelain teaware until the pandemic.

I like all kinds of non-flavored tea but I especially love Anxi and Formosa oolongs. Up until last year I would typically prepare by using a metal brew basket and a mug, brewing in the mug and re-brewing as I finish. Now I've started using a gaiwan and porcelain tea cup and brewing gong fu style. I'm looking forward to discussing and comparing teaware, brewing techniques and of course, teas!
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Tue May 25, 2021 5:30 pm

welcome, @Tom_Bombadil and @jobias! :mrgreen:
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Wed May 26, 2021 1:25 am

Hi everyone,

I’m Jules, new to the Tea Forum :) I’m excited to be here and connect with people who love tea just as much as I do.

How long have you been drinking tea?
I’ve loved tea since I was a child. It has followed me throughout the years.

What kind of tea do you drink?
I do find that I gravitate towards Japanese teas - it could due to the fact that I’m heavily immersed in the Japanese tea world as I work in the industry. My go-tos are: matcha, gyokuro, sencha, fukamushi sencha, and I eagerly away Shincha as I’m sure many of you do.

How do you prepare your tea?
Various ways, I have a collection of tea ware - handcrafted kyusus, shiboridashis, kooridashi. I typically like to experience new teas with the maker’s brewing recommendations to establish a baseline and will deviate from there by experimenting with variables (amount of tea, water temperature, amount of water, time, heat)

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
I’m most interested in developing my palate and experiencing as many tea offerings as possible. I’ve also recently began delving into Chinese tea offerings.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
Tea and matcha are heavily integrated into my life, I don’t see that changing at any point. I currently work in the Japanese tea/matcha industry in Brand Marketing and love nurturing a community of passionate tea lovers like myself.

What is your location?
I’m based in the Bay Area. If you’re interested in connecting, I’d love to do so on LinkedIn or on Instagram @matchajules :)
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Sat May 29, 2021 4:33 am

Hi everyone,
Glad to join this forum after long time that I just read posts here.

How long have you been drinking tea?
I've been drinking whole leaf tea for about 18 years. Was introduce to it while spending time in Prague where they have many tearooms.

What kind of tea do you drink?
I mostly drink pu'er both shu and sheng, but I also drink oolongs, green, and black.

How do you prepare your tea?
I mostly drink gongfu style, but sometimes grandpa style.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
I'm trying to learn about yixing teapots and their qualities.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
Tea sessions are meditative and rejuvenating. I can't see my life without it.

What is your location?
I live in the middle east in tel aviv (israel/palestine)
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Sat May 29, 2021 10:50 am

Welcome! You'll find lots of information about Yixing pots here, coming thick and fast enough that I gave up on trying to keep up with those well as discussions of every other aspect of tea and teaware.
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Sun May 30, 2021 11:06 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm Ack, and I guess I'll just get right into the questions haha:

How long have you been drinking tea?

I've been drinking loose leaf tea for around 7ish years at this point, I believe, or maybe six and a half. I started with some loose leaf earl grey and moved on from there.

What kind of tea do you drink?

I drink all kinds of tea! I have a particular fondness for Japanese greens, but I'm not too picky about my tea and will try pretty much any tea at least once.

How do you prepare your tea?

I will usually prepare my teas in a gaiwan that's around 150ml. I find that to be a good size for my sessions. I also have a kobiwako kyusu that I bought from Hojo that I've relegated to Japanese greens. I haven't brewed in a western style pot in such a long time that I've probably forgotten how :D

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?

I recently had my first taste of Pu'er that I really enjoyed and I'd love to explore Pu'er's more, as well as Oolong teas. I haven't really tried those two types all that much, and I've heard amazing things about good Oolong that I'd love to experience. I actually ordered some Oolong and Pu'er tea as well as an Akitsu Mumyoi teapot from Hojo teas, but unfortunately he hasn't responded back after confirming my order on the 12th. I've ordered from him before, but this is the first time It's taken this long for an invoice, and I don't wanna bother him with more emails if he's busy. I saw some of you have been able to contact his marketing manager, so if anyone could provide me with any help regarding that, I'd really appreciate it! :)

What factors led you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?

I've always been attracted by the variety of flavors and aromas in tea, and I really like the challenge of trying to "find" all the hidden flavors and unique aromas that reveal themselves with each successive steeping. I originally tried this with wine, but then I realized that I can't drink as much wine as I can tea without getting drunk :lol: (in my defense I have a very low tolerance for alcohol haha) I think the thing that's keeping me here is this incredible variety of teas there are. There's always something new to be found!

What is your location?

I'm a Chicagoan!

I'm glad to meet you all, this website has provided me with an incredible amount of enjoyment as a lurker, and I hope that as an actual member I'll be able to provide some useful and insightful comments!

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Sun May 30, 2021 11:11 pm

Welcome to TeaForum. Looking forward to hearing from you 🍃
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