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Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:01 pm

A lot of puerh drinkers disdain shou puerh, but it works wonderfully brewed in bulk, dropping a chunk of leaf into a thermos, filling with boiling water, and drinking up over the course of a day. Earthy, sweet, plummy notes can be there. It's not all about gongfu with puerh.....

Glad you joined us.
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:48 pm

Hi! I like to collect teaware! I also like to drink tea. But really, I like the teaware more. So many pretty colors and glaze effects! wow. Currently I am drinking Lupicia sakuranbo flavored tea. I live in San Diego. Nice to meet you!
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:54 pm

Welcome to TeaForum @whiteantlers and @Bintuborg.
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:07 pm

Bintuborg wrote:
Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:48 pm
Hi! I like to collect teaware! I also like to drink tea. But really, I like the teaware more. So many pretty colors and glaze effects! wow. Currently I am drinking Lupicia sakuranbo flavored tea. I live in San Diego. Nice to meet you!
I've always enjoyed ceramic wares, but getting more serious about tea definitely enabled my purchases of many beautiful things. Sounds like you're already primed for a serious case of TAD (Teaware Acquisition Disorder). Welcome, you'll fit right in.

My own case of TAD was held in check for a long time by my lack of appreciation for matcha; somewhere along the line, I realized it was OK to use larger teabowls less than full, and some of them made fine bowls for various other foods, so today I am enjoying some chilled sparkling red Alishan oolong, a wonderful thing on a hot evening, from this large deep teabowl by Ericka O' Rourke


Subtle and wonderful glaze effects indeed.
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Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:34 am

Hi. Long time lurker of here and a few other tea-related forums, thought I'd pop in to officially say hello.

Been a tea nerd for a little over a decade now. Still have lots to learn. Things going on in my life these past few years that have caused me to stagnate in my tea drinking growth, unfortunately.

I drink mostly pu'ers (both shu and sheng), roasted oolongs, and black/red teas, with the occasional green or white tea. I brew gongfu or grandpa style most often. Would love to learn more about heicha at some point.

Thanks for being such a great place to lurk and learn.
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Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:57 pm

welcome, @White Antlers. i think i saw your post on steepster. good to have you here. nice avatar, btw. :mrgreen:

hey, @Bintuborg. i remember you from back in the day (5+ years ago on TC). great to see you again!

welcome, @Argentum! your username looks familiar, but i don't know from where.
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Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:45 pm

Hi all, I'm so happy to join this tea forum and have an opportunity to know you guys!
I'm a fan of tea comes from Hong Kong. I started drinking tea when I was five. When I was a little girl, everyone around me is drinking soft drinks, and I'm the only one who's drinking tea. Somehow I feel like I'm a weirdo, yet when I find many tea lovers in this forum, I'm so excited and I feel like I'm not alone. :D
I've been started to drink Geimaicha daily since I was thirteen. I feel relaxed and relieved whenever I have these personal leisure moments for drinking tea. I usually prepare my tea with Kinto, as I mainly drink Japanese teas at home. Although Geimaicha is always my favourite choice, I still love to try a wide range of teas such as Earl Grey, Dongding Oolong and Shou Mei.

Started from last year, I tried to explore this interest and participated in some tea lessons. I even visited Japan for a tea-tasting trip. For this moment, I think the biggest interest for me is to brew a delicious tea. :P
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Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:10 am

Hi, apologies, I bumped another thread before posting in here.

Greetings from Wisconsin. Mostly a raw puer drinker, occasionally I'll pick up a ripe cake or two. And I won't turn down good oolongs when my in-laws offer them.

Came to the forum for a book group buy, but will continue to poke around.

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Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:20 am

Welcome to TeaForum @algific_talus_slope from Wisconsin and @Teafighter from Hong Kong 🍃
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Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:35 pm

Hello! I'm Zac, I am 25, and I'd just like to say I'm really very happy to have found this forum by accident while fumbling in the ruins of the teachat forum. I'd long since known it was dead(-ish), and when googling the reason as to why, I came across a wonderful thread here which detailed why. I'm so glad it was made otherwise I'd never known about this place. I'm also really excited to join you and excited by the fact that members whose shadows I've been taking advice from in teachat have made themselves a home here as well!

How long have you been drinking tea?
I've liked tea since I began my secondary school, I think! Back then it was mostly western style black teas in bags. I'd say I really took on the hobby only as I went to university in London (I'm from Malaysia). Coincidentally, I graduated officially today so I'd like to think this neatly marks a new stage of my life entering this illustrious school of tea :D

What kind of tea do you drink?
Everything! I drink hongcha the most. Keemun, Taiwan cultivars (Ruby red, no. 22, wild cultivars from Sun Moon Lake), Dongfang meiren, Lapsang. I also enjoy Taiwanese mountain oolongs, although I drink much less than I used to now. Next down the list are greens: longjing, bilochun, the odd sencha. I find them a bit finicky when it comes to brewing, and they are expensive, plus they don't keep well! I sometimes have a craving for a builder's tea with lots of sugar and milk (which always surprises everyone around me). And finally, I've just dipped my toes into the intimidating world of pu-erh. That's what prompted me to venture out bravely (online) to seek advise about pu-erh.

How do you prepare your tea?
Normally gongfu. I'm not greatly kitted out with expensive teaware, but I do have one purlin teapot by Lin's I use for hongcha, and a outside-glazed ceramic teapot by bitterleafteas I use for pu-erhs. I know I should probably get more teapots for a better division of my teas, so I will do when I can afford it! And a beautiful white, ultra-thin gaiwan by redblossom for greens.

What tea knowledge are you interested in exploring right now?
Right now, I am really excited about exploring pu-erh. The reason I joined this forum.

What factors lead you to delve into the world of tea, and what is keeping you there?
It's an amazing culture steeped in history and philosophy, and more, it is genuinely therapeutic and beautiful. I could genuinely spend weekends in over sessions of gongfu cha, which many see as a waste of a sunny weekend, but it's really so enjoyable to appreciate the small things in life, and in leaves.

What is your location?
I live in London. I come from Kuching in Malaysia and head back often to visit family.
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Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:08 pm

welcome, @Zac :mrgreen:
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Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:34 am

I consider myself new to tea. I’ve been drinking black tea a few months now but it feels that im doing something wrong. I have bought some teas like twinnings, Taylor’s of Harrogate, and dilmah(im i allowed to say brandnames here?)the first two English breakfast and the other one said pure ceylon, and every time the tea is too bitter.Even the smell of it isn’t pleasant. I tried everything from changing steeping times to more sugar or milk but every time its bitter. Sometimes a little better than others but most of the time its just bitter. One day i bought two unknown brands that some super market import to my country and i was shocked to how tasty the tea was. It was just ceylon tea but it was so much better than other ceylon teas that i tried in the past and even the smell was wonderful. (one of them was teabag and the other loose leaf).So are the previous brands that i mentioned bad or because im new i find bad tea to be good and the good ones bitter? Sorry if my question is a bit weird.I tried some Chinese greens and i really liked them. Also i want to mention that English is not my first language so im sorry about any mistakes.Have a nice day :)
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Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:37 am

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Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:07 pm

williamthomas wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:34 am
I’ve been drinking black tea a few months now but it feels that im doing something wrong.
I'm a bitterphobe, and I have found basically all the big-name European brands of black tea sold as 'xxx Breakfast' to be intolerable, as were my first attempts to buy chinese black teas a step up from supermarket quality--keemun, lapsong souchong, and several others all went into the compost bin eventually. I am still very cautious when it comes to black teas, but I have found some lovely Chinese black teas including some sold as 'Yunnan gold', 'Ruby black' and 'Sun-Moon Lake', and 'Jin Jun Mei'.

If you're as sensitive to bitter as I am, you might have more luck with oolongs and shu puerhs as you get started.
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Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:40 am

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